What Kind of Science Communicator Are You?

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Check out my #SciCommPersonality from @BioRender! Like Alex the Antibody, I'm a simplifier. My superpower is breaking down complex scientific concepts into easy-to-understand language. Complete the quiz to find out which #SciCommPersonality you are:


Alex the Antibody

“The Simplifier”

Like Alex the Antibody, you protect the main message.

Your communication superpowers:
You are skilled at breaking down complex scientific concepts into easy-to-understand language and tailoring your message to lay audiences. You are able to quickly identify and respond to questions using your knowledge and expertise.

Your communication challenges:
You may sometimes oversimplify complex topics to the point where nuances and critical details are lost or struggle to dive deep into subjects when required as you often prioritize simplicity over comprehensive coverage.

You're described as:
Clear, Concise, Accessible, Responsive, Protective

Customize Your Biomoji
Erin the Enzyme
“The Traditionalist”
Avery the Astrocyte
“The Storyteller”
Alex the Antibody
“The Simplifier”
Noel the Neuron
“The Visualizer”
Sam the Stem Cell
“The Experimenter”

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